a million daydreams is all you really need.

Adopt, Don't Shop

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

As Arden walks inside the building, she hears the sounds of dogs barking and whining. The twenty-six-year-old is finally able to do something she has dreamed of since being a little girl. As she goes through the building doors, she notices a check in area where photos of different animals are taped onto the sides of the large counter.

“Hi,” Arden greets the person behind the counter as she walks up to it.

“Hello, I’m Vanessa. Is there anything specific you’re looking for today?” the employee asks and Arden nods.

“I was wondering if you could show me the dogs that have been here the longest. I’m looking to adopt some of them,” Arden says.

“Of course!” the girl in the gray uniform exclaims. “Follow me.”

As Vanessa begins to walk, Arden follows her. They pass by a room filled with cats of all types and sizes before finding themselves in a large room with dim lighting. While walking, Arden looks around with a small frown on her face as she sees the animals surrounding her stuck in small cages with barely any toys.

“This big guy is Cooper,” Vanessa tells Arden about a brown and white dog hiding in the back of his cage, and continues to give her more information. “Cooper has been here for three years. He’s deaf which has made many people choose not to adopt him as well as the fact that he is a bulldog and there seems to be some sort of vendetta against his breed.” The dog walks up to the front of his living area and whimpers at seeing Arden. Arden smiles and kneels down to be closer to him.

“Hi there, big guy. I know you can’t hear what I’m saying but wow, you are beautiful,” Arden finds herself speaking to the dog in front of her before standing back up to talk to the person helping her. “I would love to adopt Cooper, but, I wouldn’t mind looking at more of the dogs to possibly give him a friend.”

Arden and Vanessa start walking again while she gazes at the beautiful canines surrounding her. They pass a Beagle, Greyhound, and a Yorkshire terrier before stopping at a new cage. Arden looks inside and silently awes at the Rottweiler in front of her.

“This is Teddy,” Vanessa says. “He’s extremely lovable and always wants to be around someone, but people seem to be afraid of having him around children.”

“He’s adorable and I would love to include him in my family along with Cooper.” The young adult says and smiles. 

After choosing the two dogs that Arden wants to adopt, Vanessa takes her back up to the check in area. While Vanessa grabs the paperwork needing to be signed, Arden looks at the limited amount of leashes and dog clothes available to buy and picks up a blue leash as well as a red leash for her newly adopted dogs. When Vanessa comes back to the counter with the papers, Arden skims through the words before signing her name where it needs to be. 

Two different employees enter the room with Cooper and Teddy as Arden pays for the leashes and dogs. When she finishes paying, she thanks the workers and exits the animal shelter with her new friends.

“Welcome to the Barnes family, Teddy and Cooper,” Arden says to her dogs and smiles as she is happy with her choices.
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