a million daydreams is all you really need.

What Panic Attacks Feel Like

Sunday, February 25, 2018

This is for the people who don't understand or have panic attacks. If you do have panic attacks, feel free to read this as well as we all can experience them differently.

I am trying to find a way to describe the way a panic attack is but if I am being honest, it's quite difficult to describe.

Panic attacks can come out of the blue whether you are in the middle of taking a shower, doing your homework, or dreaming. They will randomly pop up and make your life miserable. They are surges of emotions coming together and clashing into your brain. You feel as if you can't breathe. You can't think straight and all you can feel yourself doing is curling into a small ball on the ground while shaking and gasping for breaths of air. You can't help but overthink and worry about every little thing.

It's the worst when you have an anxiety attack around other people. They don't always understand what's happening and they ask you what's wrong and how can they help or my least favorite, "calm down."

When I hear someone tell me to calm down as I am in a panic mode, my panic rises because I can't control it and hearing those words stresses me as I try to lower it but it doesn't want to be lowered. You feel as if the people that said that are trying to control you and then they get inside your head.

Calm down.

Calm down.

Calm down.

Telling me to calm down as I go through this panic attack isn't helping me but only making it worse. It's like the person telling me to calm down doesn't realize that if I could be calm, I would. Another thing you should never say to someone during a panic attack is "relax." because it's the exact same thing as saying "Calm down." Don't tell me that I am overreacting or that I have nothing to be panicked about because you don't know what's going on inside my brain and thoughts.

If you don't understand panic attacks, know this;
  1. They can come anytime and anywhere.
  2. There is no way for you to calm us down or control us in this state.
  3. Anxiety and panic attacks are larger than stress.
  4. It's exhausting and overwhelming.
  5. People with anxiety can not just get over it!!
  6. Over 6 million people have panic attacks.
  7. We can't just snap our fingers and be okay.

Who is Your Cheerleader?

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Who is your cheerleader?

One of the definitions of cheerleader is a person who is an enthusiastic and vocal supporter. It's a person who believes in you so much that they support you and your ideas. When you have your bad days, your cheerleader brings you up and they are always lending you a shoulder to cry on. It's the person who tells you that you can do anything and encourages you.

Who is the person that is always there for you no matter what?

A cheerleader is the one who motivates you to be the greatest that you can be. We all have one and some more than one. I know that my mom is one of my cheerleaders. She has always supported me with my dreams and I appreciate that more than she knows.

Find your cheerleader and let them know how much you appreciate the support they give you. Give them back some love and be their cheerleader. Support everyone and believe in everyone. Be a cheerleader.